Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Seven reasons why SEX is good! Not to be criticized or discriminated!

1 - Makes you peaceful: researchers in Scotland found that frequent sex leads to lowered diastolic blood pressure allowing you to be more calm in stressful situations

2 - Boosts your ability to combat sickness: having sex once or twice a week means that you'll have more Immunoglobulin A, also known as IgA, which protects your body against infections.

3 - Is a great workout: having sex less than two dozen times at an hour each session will melt off 3,570 calories. "Sex is a great mode of exercise": Dr. Patti Britton, President Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists

4 - Boosts your self-esteem: "one of the reasons why people have sex..." Archives of Sexual Behavior, University of Texas

5 - Strengthens the bond with your lover: Sex and orgasms increases the amount of oxytocin in your body: University of Pittsburgh. "Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and bond." - Dr.Britton

6 - Helps you rest better: Researchers also say that oxytocin released after intercourse helps promote better sleep, which causes a whole host of goodie benefits like maintaining a healthy weight.

7 - Reduces pain: After intercourse, endorphins flood the body and this causes you to almost erase pains headaches, arthritis and even PMS symptoms.


Advised to be carried out with your lover/partner only.

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