Swine flu is on the loose!!! Nowhere is a definite safe place now.
We're going to get the swine flu and when we get contracted by
that disease, it's a terrible experience!
Symptoms of Swine Flu:
1) Sneeze like a pig!
2) When you laugh, you'll snort like a pig!
3) Spontaneous change in the size of your limbs!
4) A drastic change in your diet - you tend to eat much more
than usual, even those you wouldn't even consider having for
lunch, you'll probably devour anything your eyes can sight.
5) Nostrils will expand responsively upon getting the flu.
6) Curly tail starts to grow from the back of you tail bone.
7) You will start to smell badly once you sweat.
8) Your ears will gradually become pointed.
9) You will have fever as high as 42 degrees celsius
10) You'll get muscle spasm very often and will
start behaving like a retard every 30 minutes which
last up to 1 hour every relapse.
This is a very dangerous disease. Very unfortunate for our muslims friends
who will have to step up on their security and awareness of SWINE FLU!
Everyone is panicking over this situation, hopefully we can put a stop to
this swine flu ASAP to prevent anymore breaching of religious teachings
So please, if you're suspecting anyone who has the disease, please
report to the authorities immediately, including yourself, so that
we can beat the crap out of the INFECTED, rip their limbs apart,
soak them in extreme heated up oil, put them under the hot sun,
and electrocute them before we incinerate them.
Please dial 98799337 to report the issue!
We thank you for your cooperation in advance:)
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